Monday, January 26, 2015

Peter what is the second coming like?

Paul said to the people that Jesus will descend from the heavens with a shout and those that are sleeping will come up from their sleep and join Jesus in heaven first then those that are waiting on earth still "awake" or alive will then join Jesus in the air with the rest and we will all go up to heaven together and of course the pluses as all pain, sickness, scars, diseases will be gone and we will all be at peace. So whether or not Paul thought that we would just leave our stuff behind and zoom up to heaven he does  have the  part right that there is a second coming, and we will leave this earth, until we come back and Jesus rules the earth for 1000 years.

Now personally I thin it would be pretty cool just to instantly just zoom on up to heaven in a flash and not have to worry about anything and whatever happens on earth happens. But I  don't believe that God wants that so personally I think God is going to take care of it so that away he can takes his believers to be with him in heaven and leave the earth to  rest in peace and not chaos. The average believer if they read this  would most likely be really thrown for a loop and probably question everything right then and there, that is why we have to diver deeper and investigate for ourselves. How might we do that we must trust our lives in the hands of God and give our lives to the lord, as believers we know that God has great plans for us and will take care of us.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Hold up Peter let's talk a minute

A lot of people really wonder the question. Why did Paul confront Peter? That is a very good question so lets jump on into it. Paul confronted peter because of the way things had been we was unhappy with Peter for being a hypocrite because Peter had been practicing eating with the Gentile Christians spending time with them, then out of nowhere Peter decided to separate from the Gentile Christians after the arrival of the delegation from James because of his fear of the circumcision group. Which was really strange, then goes on to the separation of the other Jewish Christians from Gentile Christians because of Peter's influence. Then finally after all of this we have Paul's rebuke of Peters practice of eating with the Gentile Christians.

Honestly I feel like today we act the same way that Peter was acting back then, we sometimes put stereotypes on what we think the "perfect christian" is supposed to look like, and act like. Which is no bueno, because that makes us no better than the people we are pushing away from Christianity, and all and all I think it is really bad because I used to go to a church that did this and eventually they changed but a lot of people noticed it and it was really of putting. I think as Christians we can take away from this just to simply not do this for we are not any better than the ones we judge.

A good modern day example is literally the types of Christians that think if you are not a Christian you are a terrible person and will literally try and persuade people to join Christianity by shoving the gospel down there throat. Which again is not good because people won't listen to someone who they think is mentally insane unless you are insane yourself.

Peter realizing he wasn't doing the right thing.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015