Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Paul's view on the gospel

Paul starts of in Romans talking about the sinful nature that everyone has, and how everyone has been condemned because of our rebellion from God. But then Paul goes on to talk about how we can put faith in his son Jesus, and build a relationship with God and through that we can remove the part about being condemned and have eternal life with God. Paul doesn't stop there he tells them it isn't just being close to God that gets you to heaven it is about being sanctified, and being made holy while we are in the pursuit of following him. Over all Paul talks all throughout Romans about Gods righteous plan and how you can partake in that.

I think the hardest thing to explain to a believer is that fact that we have to not be so selfish, actually we cannot be selfish at all. In this day in age we care about ourselves way too much and not enough about others and what is important. Also how we have to give ourselves to the Lord 100% not going in 50/50 we have to be 100% in for the journey, because God wants to raise up his children under him in his name.

I think that there is honestly a lot to take in if you are a non-believer coming to Christ for the first time. I think just explaining to someone that there is a God out there that loves them through thick and thin and no matter what you do he will always be there for them no matter what they do. I think the over all fact that someone cares about them that much would be extremely comforting, and make them a little intrigued to study more about Christianity.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! You offered a good summary and your thoughts about no-believers are very interesting. I agree--I think the selflessness taught in Christianity must sound crazy to someone who is not religious. Friedrich Nietzsche, a famous atheist and philosopher, attacked the idea of selflessness as weak and shameful.
